I have been dealing with a lot of anxious thoughts, thoughts of fear and despair, thoughts that definitely do not come from God. I have learned over the years that when I willingly give all my negative thoughts and fears to Jesus, He ALWAYS takes them away if I let him. I know, that I know that I know that I can trust God to help me get through the deepest trials, the longest nights, the hardest days, the times that I can't go on another minute, Jesus is ALWAYS there to pick me up and help me through whatever impossible circumstance that I have to get through that day, the KEY is that I have to ask Him for His help and then I have to TRUST that He will take care of it for me. For me the TRUST KEY, is often the hardest for me to use, sometimes I foolishly think that I can get through some of the deepest trials on my own and that's when I get into the deepest pit of despair.
I often tell other Christians that the easiest way for me to get out of the depth's of despair is to put on some praise music and to start singing praises to Jesus. It never fails to amaze me how God lifts me up, but once again it only happens when I allow Him too. Walking and singing praises to Jesus is what makes my life bearable on those days that seem unbearable. And the added benefit from all the walking I've done this year is that I feel better and I've lost 35 pounds as a added benefit.
The reason I'm writing this post today is for me to remember all the things that I just wrote above, you see tonight I take Luke in for a sleep study at the Hospital. First of all if you know me at all you know that I DON'T like hospitals ever. Second of all the last sleep study we did was a nightmare for me because I couldn't see Luke's numbers all night long they have a seperate room to monitor them in so I wasn't sure how he was doing through out the night. The third reason is I'm trying so hard not to be fearful for what they will find out during the study, for you see I've been living the nightmare of horrible nights for months now and I know it's not going to be good. The fourth reason is because for me it will be another night of no sleep and I'm already living on little to no sleep and it's just not good for me physically or emotionally to be so sleep deprived. The last reason is because I don't like going to the hospital, opps I know I already mentioned that one but it is true!
I would really appreciate your prayers today and through out the night tonight that God would help me to TRUST Him today about this study tonight and also that Luke would sleep ok and they would figure out something that could help him so that our nights will become easier.
Love in Christ,
Luke's Mommy Sue
Lots of prayers for you & Luke tonight.
Sue, I will be praying tonight. I love you as much as I love Luke. I wish that I could do more and stop the pain but then I remember ‘that’s what Jesus did for us’.
Peace my Sister, rest in Jesus’ peace.
Love ya!!!!!!!!
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