Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I will update the blog

As Luke's Dad, I am finding great comfort in being able to express my thoughts on this blog and I will update it with some regularity. I dont apologize for the content of this blog as being strongly christian, as that is who I am. Feel free to share the url with others that will pray on behalf of Luke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone who is praying and see this. Luke CAT scan came back with extensive brain damage. The damage is in the area of the brain that controls the swollowing, coughing and to an extent the breathing. They have the option of a placement of a tracheotomy tube and a gastric tube to help him with this, but there is really not much more that they can do for him. They can also choose not to do this and let the miracle of God come forth and heal him in His time. Lukes dad (Gordy) and Pastor –Uncle Tom are in deep prayer right now as to what to do, so pray for wisdom.

Thank you,

From Lukes parents and family.