Monday, March 28, 2005

God has blessed Luke with knee caps again!

I hope that you had a blessed Easter weekend. Ours was filled with family and friends, just what we treasure most. We are excited to report to you that Luke has knee caps once again, his legs were so rigid and straight for so long that his knee's actually dimpled, where they should of had a bend and rounded knee cap. As many of you know we've been praying that his legs would begin to bend once again and they have been. We've been faithfully messaging him and doing the new exercises that we were taught and they are working, along with his very expensive leg splints. You never realize just how much medical things cost until you go through the experience of needing them. We are talking over $7,000 for the splints and appts to have them fitted. Once again we are so thankful for the different gifts from people to take the financial stress off us for the cost of Luke's supplies and HBOT treatments. We are so blessed!

Luke is finally getting better after his ear infection and whatever else was bothering him last week. He had a hard week of not sleeping as well because of his oxygen rates dropping, not eating as well as he had been and just not very energetic. We had to cancel quite a few of his PT appts because he just wasn't up to going. I'm so thankful that we have been taught exercises and things to be doing at home with him. We are always asked if we want more activities for Luke or whether he is getting enough stimulation at home. We always just chuckle a bit as we answer yes to these questions and no we don't need anymore services in our home.

We decided to start cutting some of our nursing hours, this was not an easy thing to do, but we are feeling like we need to start since we will lose them after his trach is out. We've decided to go down to 3 nights this week and cut one day, going down to 4 days a week. We told them up front in the hospital and at the nursing agency our goal is to do Luke's full care, after seeing how much help these nurses have been we realized that for a season our nurses have been a huge blessing. Now that Luke sleeps through most nights and his alarms are not going off all the time it is much easier to do his care at night. Please be praying that God will continue to bless him with good sleep and help me with my scheduling during the day to get all this appts and therapies into my schedule. We did finally get back to scheduling our older girls with there school work and this has been helping them and me immensely to get so much more accomplished each day.

Continue to pray that Luke will be able to tolerate the capping process of his trach without much stress or undue coughing. He had been doing awesome, as we reported on not having so much secretions for quite awhile and then this past week when he got sick he had not only major amounts of secretions, but also some blood coming out of his trach. It made me feel so helpless as I watched us take another step back and I'm praying that this week we will make huge strides in this area of Luke's healing process. I'm continually reminding myself to stay thankful for the progress that Luke has made and not to wish that he is farther along in his healing. The scripture from Habakkuk 2:2 & 3 that I've quoted daily for months has and continues to be my greatest comfort as I feel that God has given me this scripture to cling onto tightly.

As Gordy and I were praying today before he left for work, as we do each day, for God's protection and that we will be used of Him. I was praying and you know what I realized? Have you ever heard of the prayer of Jabez? For a while a book by Bruce Wilkinson called the prayer of Jabez was real popular, and I happened to read it, the prayer of Jabez is from the Bible:

I Chronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying. "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested.
Anyway I began to pray this prayer for the Lord to enlarge my territories and to bless me indeed and I realized this morning that is just what the Lord has done. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would reach people around the world with a testimony of how God has blessed me indeed by bringing my son back to life and as He continues the miracle of daily healing his brain to work again. God is faithful and He will hear us as we prayer and He will answer our prayers as so many of you have seen in our journey through this healing process. As you know God doesn't love me more than you and if you have a prayer request just ask Him today, He will listen and answer your prayers. God Bless you today!

Love in Christ,
Luke's Mommy Sue


Anonymous said...

Praise God for the newest improvements with Luke's knees! What an answer to prayer! And I'm so glad Luke is feeling better too. I'll be praying about your adjustment to your reduced nursing hours. Blessings as we serve our risen Savior!
Santa Barbara, CA

Anonymous said...

I think that I fell asleep while praying last night for I suddenly found myself standing amidst a group of people with their arms upraised like mine. Little Luke rested upon our fingertips and against the palms of our hands, and I began to hear a murmer which was the quiet voices of all the other people there that were whispering prayers and songs to God on Luke's behalf.

Suddenly Luke was not in our hands and I looked up and saw God cradling him and kissing him softly on his face and all over his body. I could not see God's face but it was like watching a parent cradling and loving on their child.

It was a very powerful image that was with me when I woke and is still with me this afternoon.

Cass' Mom said...

I'm so happy Luke is doing better. We've been following his progression and he is making strides. I'm happy to hear that they're thinking of removing his trach, that is so wonderful. I'll be praying for Luke and your family that he'll just continue to heal and your family will be able to care for him continually. We love you all.

Jenni said...

Just wanted to mention that the leader of our home group heard you on the talk radio a little while ago. We had been talking about your situation and he actually recognized put the two together.

Your lives have blessed so many. We just want you to know that we are still praying and we think about little Luke all the time, our hearts are with you continually!

Blessings, the Burns family-Chris, Jenni, Aidan and Eamon

Anonymous said...

there is a saying, something is "the bees knees" when it is very cool or wonderful!!! so Lukes kneecaps are the bees knees!!
thank you dear Lord!!

Teena said...

Praise the Lord, I am so thankful to hear about Luke's knee caps! I still wake up during the night and think of all of you and Luke! I will be praying for your schedule and the nurses and decreasing your help. I love to come and read an update. I do believe the Lord is touching lives all over the world with Luke's story~ The Jabez prayer touched my life several years ago as I prayed that prayer asking the Lord go "enlarge" our territory. Since then He has blessed us with our Wyatt & Wesley... Luke's story... is being heard all around the world... may God continue to give you the strength DAILY as you seek HIS face~ you are so very very special to us.
Your Georgia Friends,
Billy, Teena, Michael, Mandi, Dakota, Alyssa, Wyatt & Wesley

Anonymous said...

hi luke i'm happy that you are better from Cade