Tuesday, February 09, 2010

We are blessed! Your comments and prayers brought great joy and hope to my heart, thank you:]

Once again I'm humbled and so thankful for the outpouring of love, support and prayers you have so willingly poured out upon our family. Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments, they are like salve to my wounded heart.

Luke has been fighting off some congestion the last few days, I'm just praying that he doesn't get any sicker. Have I told you lately about how much Luke is smiling lately? We can just call him smiley Joe. He is always so attentive to any all and all attention he gets, he loves it when people stop and take time to talk to him and touch him. It is so wonderful to see him so happy:}

We had to say goodbye to Luke's OT Eric, we will miss him and the wonderful care he had taken with Luke. It was so hard for me to see him leave Luke's life, he was one of the few people that work with Luke that really knew that Luke is "in there," he is also a strong Christian and believes in the power of prayer. Until you work with the medical community that gives you little hope of any kind of recovery of your child you will never in a million years know how wonderful it is to have at least one person who knows that God is able to heal and bring about a miracle in your child's life. I would like to pray God's richest blessings upon Eric's life as he continues to bless those children that benefit from his kindness and amazing God given talents.

I was filled with mixed emotions as I heard from Luke's rehab Dr. that both he and the orthopedic surgeon do not feel like Luke is a good candidate for the muscle release surgery that we thought we would have done on him to help him get his legs bending again. They would like Luke to do one more Baclafen pump trial first to see if we can get more relaxing of the legs with a higher dosage of Baclafen, being inserted into his spinal column. There are times that I know the Dr.'s have given up on Luke and any hope that he will ever need or use his legs again. Then I'm reminded that they don't know about the miracle working Father that I love and trust with Luke's healing, they only know what they see with their eyes. Faith is believing what we can not see and that is where I choose to put all my hope!

We did have a Realtor come over to take a walk through our home to do an assessment. To be honest I was a bit discouraged when he left. We had really done so much to get things ready to sale our home, but after his walk through I realized that we have so much more to do. IT IS OVERWHELMING, to say the least. Then to realize that with the housing market so depressed right now our home is worth way less than we had hoped for. My one and only comfort is knowing without a shadow of a doubt that God will sale our home when His perfect timing has come, that He has a perfect place for us to live and to know that He is directing our steps gives me peace to know that He will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Only 11 more days until we leave for our cruise, excitement is building! Along with the hope and prayers that Luke will stay healthy, having him so "junky" this week is not good for my emotions. I know I have to keep my eyes on the God and not my circumstances for that is truly what Faith is all about.

Love in Christ,
Luke's Mommy Suzi


Michelle said...

Do you do pool therapy with Luke? Emily would bend much better after each session. Thanks for the update. Sending loving thoughts your way. Can't wait to see cruise pictures, Yippee!

Anonymous said...

You do not know me... I found your story through another blog. But, I have been following your journey for some time. I pray for your family with each post you make. Please know that you are not on this journey alone. Rather, you are accompanied by not only God but those that also beleive in miracles.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mom here again. We surely agree that Luke seems to be more joyful lately. The other day when we were there Papa & Lily were playing 'Beep, beep' with his nose and he was having a ball just laughing and thinking that was SO fun. What a joy when we know there is joy in him that we can see exhibited. Someone said he'd be healed from the inside out. To us this is more evidence. God will do it HIS way.