7 Long years ago I woke up on this day, never in a million years realizing that my life would change forever. That day I had 6 healthy children, pregnant with my 7th child. My precious little toddler boy Luker man was running around the house, laughing, playing, full of energy in life. That day I put him down for a nap with the other boys, my last memory of Luke before the nightmare began was him looking at books before falling asleep. My next memory was frantically looking for Luke all over the house only to have Amy find him dead in our back yard pool. I remember screaming, crying, trauma, praying to God for a miracle, asking God to bring Luke back to life just as he had done with Lazarus so many years ago. Thankfully God heard our cries for a miracle and He brought Luke back to life.
Everyday since that day I wake up in the morning wondering if today will be the day that God finishes the miracle that He begun 7 years ago, if today will be the day that Luke will once again walk and talk. My life was changed that day, I went from a carefree life, having all my children healthy, rarely having to go to Dr. appointments, to a life full of medical appointments, medical bills, hospital stays, surgeries, therapy appointments, Hyperbaric treatments, more days filled with medical needs than not.
This is April 27, 2005, the day Luke got his trache out
Since that day I've came closer to God than I thought was possible, learning how to rely on Him for the life of our precious child, realizing that God loves Luke and all my children more then I can even begin to phathom. Learning in a way that I could of never imagined how to cry out to God and expect miracles, leaning on God and trusting in Him, knowing that HE is our only hope for Luke's life to ever be the same again.
I will never, ever, ever, ever give up believing for a miracle for Luke. I can not, I will not I know that God is able, He is the miracle working Father, for I know that according to the Bible He never changes, He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Won't you please join with me in believing for a miracle for Luke today. It's comforting to know that when we are weak, He makes us strong, I will admit that I have been too weak to go on many days these last 7 years, but I've never been alone not for a single second of time, God has carried me many days and your prayers have helped me to continue on this journey.
I'm so thankful that I have not had to go on this journey alone, thankful for my family and friends that have been there for me each step of the way, thankful for all of you faithful blog followers that have carried us in your prayers, thankful to the medical community for their faithful care of Luke, thankful to God for never once leaving my side. THANKFUL that God chose to bring Luke back to life, thankful . . . !!
Love in Christ,
Luke's Mommy Sue
Love in Christ,
Luke's Mommy Sue