We continue to see little improvements here and there with Luke's condition. When people ask "Hows Luke doing?", I want to say Great, however I don't want to mislead them. Considering what Luke went through, he is doing great, that said, he has a long ways to go to fully recover.
He doesn't walk nor talk, however he does recognize voices and turns his head and eyes in their direction.
He swallows and coughs a couple times each day, this is really good, please pray that it will increase to where he is able to maintain his airway, so the trach can be removed.
His eyes do move from side to side. The other morning I was holding him and rocking back and forth and I noticed that his eyes were tracking the light over head. Thank You Lord.
I was told that he smiled today, although I didn't see it myself.
He wears splints on his hand, arms and feet every couple hours during the day to keep his joints and muscles flexible. He has been more stiff lately, not wanting to bend his arms or legs. Please pray that he will remain flexible and not stiff.
He takes a couple of short naps during the day and sleeps about 7 hours at night. His sleep at night hasn't been in one block since we left the hospital. Please pray he would sleep 8-10 hours each night and that it would be in a continuous block.
Tomorrow we have a Doctors appointment with a pediatrician and on Tuesday with his pulmonologist. Please pray that the doctors visits go well and don't stress or wear Luke out. Also pray that God will give Sue and I wisdom as we are advocates for Luke's care.
We are still waiting for nursing to get into a routine, and just about the time it settles, we will have to change as the 24 hour nursing is for the first 3 weeks only. Pray that God will provide clarity and direction on what the nursing schedule should be.
Finally, I ask that while you pray for baby steps for Luke's recovery, that you would also remember to pray for Luke's complete restoration. I truly believe in my heart that we will see a day when Luke will give testimony with his own voice of God's saving mercy in his life.
Hi Gordy and family,
"He doesn't walk nor talk, however he does recognize voices and turns his head and eyes in their direction."
This is one question I was going to ask. Thanks for the info. Remember that these are very complex activities and will take longer than other forms of healing. The coughing and swallowing is the first step.
As you said ' baby steps'.
Hi Luke, I hear you can look at things and cough a bit. Good boy. I think of you and tell people about you. You made it this far and you will get lots better. Smile some more Luke. Bye.
We are so excited to hear the good news and we thank Jesus with you guys, God is good isn't He?! I think it's so important to praise him along the way. I was thinking too, it seems like Luke has been doing better since he's come home, into his own bed and a comfortable, familiar environment.
You guys are great! Bless you! The Burns'
Question: Does Luke cry?
Answer: Well, yes and no. Luke doesn't make any noises, crying, coughing, talking, due to having a trach. The trach bypasses his vocal cords, so he cannot really cry. That said, he does show some feelings of anxiety, stress, frustration and at times sadness and it appears he may be crying. We have noticed at times tears in his eyes and have wondered if he were crying, without the noise. Luke was shy before the accident and there is no reason to think that would have changed. At times he gets a bit stressed around voices he doesnt recognize. With voices he recognizes he will at times look in the direction of the voice, like he wants to see who it is. Do I think Luke cries, yes, although it is really hard to tell. Feel free to ask other questions, I will do my best to answer them.
"He said to her, 'Daughter your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.'" - Mark 5:34
"Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, 'Don't be afraid; just believe.'" - Mark 5:36
We continue to pray for Luke's full recovery.
I am so thankful for the baby steps! I am also so thankful for your updates. We were gone over the weekend but as soon as we came home I wanted to check on Luke! I didn't post then but still prayed. That was great how you shared about if Luke cries or not... and told about him being shy. Thanks! It draws us a little closer... you are on our hearts and minds... our love to all of you,
your friends from GA
Billy, Teena, Michael 19, Mandi 15, Dakota 11, Alyssa 7, Wyatt 2.8 yrs, Wesley 15 months this week!
Q: How is Sue doing? Has she been able to rest any better over the past week?
A: Sue is doing well. She is resting better at home, although, it has been hard with Luke waking around 1am each night and Sue sits up with him, as she is able to calm him.
Q: How is the homeschooling going?
A: Well we have started homeschooling with Amy and Natlie in High school and Isaiah starting kindergarten. All three are a part of the YMCA homeschool program and in the choir. Isaiah is so excited to get to go swimming each week.
Q: Daniel doing ok away from home?
A: Daniel is doing awesome! I went to visit with him on Saturday and Sue visited with him on Sunday. He is really enjoying the school and is greatly challenged as he studies and grows in his walk.
One prayer request, please pray for continued healing for my family. As you know, they were all here the day of the accident while I was on my way home from work. There have been times that we each have thought back to that horrible evening of Luke's accident and with it we need a complete healing of our minds. God has been gracious and merciful to us and we are doing well, I just ask that you would continue to lift us up that we would remain overcomers and that the enemy of our souls would not gain any kind of foothold.
There is a song by Ray Boltz called "Thank You" that talks about a scene in heaven where there were people coming up to him and thanking him for the little things he had done on earth and how they had profoundly touched others. I look forward to a day in heaven when I and my little boy Luke will get a chance to stand in your line and be able to say Thank You to each of you face to face for your prayers, because each one means so much to us. For now, Thank You, you are Jesus love extended to the Searles family. We are blessed and blessed be the name of the Lord.
Gordy AKA Luke's Dad, I was just passing by on my search for things about spinal discs on
the Net, and dropped in on your blog. I was looking for stuff for my spinal discs site. Not
sure that your blog was exactly what I needed, but I enjoyed my visit all the same.
Hi Gordy AKA Luke's Dad,
I was just passing looking for Aztec Religion links on the blogger site and found your Baby steps blog. Your blog was not quite what I was looking for, but I enjoyed my visit all the same.
Greetings Gordy AKA Luke's Dad it's rather cold here today, but summer is comming to our part of the world soon. I was looking for the latest most up to date information on christian and I landed on your page. Although Baby steps is not an exact match I can see why I ended up here while looking for christian Great stuff thanks for the read.....now where did I put that surf board !
Hi Gordy AKA Luke's Dad love your blog. I came across it while looking for how to pray. I know Baby steps is not an exact match but thanks for the read. I'll get on with my search for how to pray stuff and will visit again sometime. Take Care
Hi Gordy AKA Luke's Dad greetings from down under. I was searching for the latest information on pray to god , I can see how I landed on your page. While Baby steps wasn't exactly what I was looking for. (I was after pray to god related stuff) I ejoyed reading your blog, I'll come back agin to read future posts. Take Care.
Hi Gordy AKA Luke's Dad love your blog. I came across it while looking for prayers. I know Baby steps is not an exact match but thanks for the read. I'll get on with my search for prayers stuff and will visit again sometime. Take Care
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